How Do I Create My Own Scripting Language?
How Do I Create My Own Scripting Language? Background An exciting new feature we are currently developing for Core is to add a built-in scripting language. Development is well underway, and we will be launching it before the end of the year. But it has led to some interesting questions[...]
Will ChatGPT Replace Software Developers?
There is a lot of conversation about ChatGPT recently and several people have asked my opinion on whether it will replace software developers. So, in a bit of a departure from my previous blog posts, I thought I would engage in some speculation. The short answer is no. But that[...]
HR information & Processes for a growing business – Part One
Everyone knows that employees are the most prized asset within any company, so whether it’s just you or you have 1000+ employees, ensuring that you have the correct systems and processes in place to manage employees effectively, whilst ensuring you are adhering to employment law, is essential. See the Employment[...]
Health & Safety… Who needs the headache?
Health & Safety and all what comes with it, is one of the causes of major headaches when running a business. It is also one of the processes/policies that many businesses ignore due to its complexity and the belief that it wouldn’t happen to them as ‘their employees are sensible[...]
How to save wasted time starting up your new business?
Everyone who has tried or even been successful in starting their own business knows how much time and energy it takes to not just get it off the ground but to ensure its sustainability. In 2022, out of the 4,894,356 business that were currently registered in the UK, 753,168 were[...]
Growing a Business – The stress new systems can cause!
Whether you are an owner of a small business or a manager within a larger business that has 50+ employees, managing the administrational needs of a growing business can be the cause of so much stress and headache. Even the smallest of changes have ripple effects and if not managed correctly,[...]
How Can I Restructure my Database?
How Can I Restructure my Database? In the last blog post, we looked at how to plan a new database. Especially, with regard to deciding what types of thing to track and the relationships between them. But what if you are coming late to the party? In this post, we[...]
What is the best way to plan my database?
What is the best way to plan my database? Step 1 – Understand the Purpose Before we dive into the details of, “What is the best way to plan my database?” We need to ask a more basic question: What is my database for? Well, OK, that seems a bit[...]
How can my business track time and attendance?
How can my business track time and attendance? Time and Attendance tracking for businesses in Sheffield and around the country is a difficult task. Many businesses operate from spreadsheets and other manual timesheet processes to ensure that their staff are paid for the correct amount of time – i.e. time[...]
How Can I Keep Track of My Product Catalogue?
How Can I Keep Track of My Product Catalogue? How Can I Keep Track of My Product Catalogue? Ok, any business that buys and sells products needs a well organised product catalogue, to keep track of the products you sell and to quickly answer basic questions such as: What products[...]
How Can I deal with CRM in My Business?
How Can I Manage the Customer Relations in My Business? How Can I Manage the Customer Relations in My Business? Ok, managing Customer Relations (usually referred to as CRM actually) effectively is one of the main priorities of businesses on any scale! Being able to easily access and track the[...]
What is Digital Transformation?
What is Digital Transformation? What is Digital Transformation? OK, so if you’re reading this article, we’re going to assume that your Organisation/Company/Charity in Sheffield or beyond have heard the term “Digital Transformation” and you are looking to find out more about it. Maybe you’ve even began to understand what it[...]