OK, so CORE Software was originally born some 4 or 5 years ago (we’ll give a bit more detail to that later in the blog post), but today marks an important milestone in CORE’s journey.  Its the official launch of the CORE Software Platform including the Inception of CORE Software Solutions Ltd which is the brainchild of Ian Barwick and Jason Francis of ESP Projects Ltd. 

The new business builds on the solid existing foundations of ESP Projects.  But is separated into it’s own, brand new, legal entity.  CORE will aim to make inroads into the Software-as-a-Service market into 2024 and beyond.  The CORE Software Platform has many, many advantages to a business and our job over the coming months is to make sure that we articulate that in a way that prospective customers will understand.   

As part of this new beginning, you’ll see on our website that customers have the ability to purchase the licensing directly from the site, or to discuss with us their other options if they want help building their instance of CORE – read more about that via our Methods Page. 

What is CORE Software?

CORE Software is a business software solution, which helps you to solve the puzzles in your business.  Every business has problems within it and we’re trying to help everyone to reduce those problems by fixing the Puzzles and Challenges that you face.  We do this using our CORE Software platform, that makes it very easy to build tools that fit into your business.  Using a simple “builder”, you are able to create forms and lists of information that your staff are able to fill in, which helps you to streamline business processes, improve efficiency, and compliance by ditching paper-based forms and rubbish Excel Spreadsheets.  Instead migrating over to web-based forms with automatic notifications when problems arise.   

CORE Software has many different use cases.  Some of our customers are already using it as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool, whilst others are using it as a tool to manage HR in their business and Asset Tracking and Management.  Because of its flexibility, CORE has been a challenge for us in terms of its marketing.  CORE can help your business in many different ways, but the best way to describe it is that it helps you solve problems, which will DEFINITELY mean that you can save both time AND money in your organisation.  It’s a Software Solution that fits your business and works with you, not against you. 

Core is also highly scalable. You can add or remove users as your business grows, without having to worry about infrastructure or hardware costs. This makes Core a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. 

Core Dashboards

Why have we separated CORE from ESP? 

Well, we feel that CORE is now a great product, in its own right, and therefore it should have its own identity.  It’s also important to us, as a group, that our customers have simplicity when dealing with us.  CORE Software Solutions Ltd will allow us to make sure that your billing and support are very clearly defined.  It will also allow us to challenge other players in the Software-as-a-Service (Saas) market, with a brand that is clear and well-defined. 

What do our staff have to say?

As the Marketing Manager here at CORE, I spoke to several different people within the business, to find out what they thought about the changes we are making.  Here’s what they said on the matter. 

Alex Jones, our Finance & HR Manager said “It’s important from a business perspective that we separate the two entities, as they are substantially different when it comes to process management & staff handling.  CORE really, really excites me as a product, we’ve been using it in our business for over 4 years and it’s helped us to save both time and money and now, we’re officially going to be sharing this wonderful product with the rest of the business world”. 

Ian Barwick, our Software Development Manager had the following to say on the subject “The mission of CORE is quite different from that of ESP and so I feel it’s necessary that CORE has it’s own brand that allows us to explain and define that.  My team have been working extremely hard to move CORE to a place where it’s ready for market.  We definitely have that now and so we’re able to move forwards with a new confidence that we can help the businesses of the UK and further afield“. 

Jason Francis, our Managing Director said “I’ve been itching to separate CORE from ESP for many months, as I’m so excited about the product and felt it needed it’s own identity.  CORE really could be the up-and-coming software platform that the UK business scene has been waiting for, solving many different challenges for all different businesses.  I liken the product to Microsoft Access, which as a young person in business with a technical background (many moons ago!) I enjoyed building things from.  CORE offers an alternative spin on Access, allowing the same sort of flexibility but in a web-based environment, meaning that business owners can see a problem that their business has they can quickly build the solution to that problem themselves, or with support from someone more technical”. 


In summary, as a Group, we are more than excited about the launch of CORE Software Solutions Ltd and the CORE Software Platform that forms it’s main product offering.  We can’t wait to show the world how the product can help the businesses solve all of their problems!  Please do keep in touch with us, to track how the CORE Software platform progresses and look out for more news about the CORE Platform right here at https://core-software.co.uk.  You can also check out our YouTube channel here CORE Software YouTube and Our LinkedIn Page here CORE Software LinkedIn, or you can even sign up to The Software Spark, our LinkedIn newsletter!  We’d love to have you following our Socials, so that you can find out more about how CORE might help you and your business as the product progresses! 


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