When you’re thinking about using CORE, you have 3 main options, to get you off the ground. Find them below. If you want to get on with building your own instance of CORE, then you can use the Buy Now button. For the other two options, drop us a note to say you’ll need some help and we’ll get in touch as soon as possible to get your project started!
Latest News
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Our CORE Software Team is growing…
CORE Software Team is growing... as we welcome Ruby Easthope Over the past 12 months our CORE Software Team at ESP Projects have been working incredibly hard to bring you new and exciting features, so[...]
Expansion of our CORE Software Team
There have been some exciting things happening at ESP Projects, with the expansion of our CORE Software Team. So, for the past 12 months we have been speaking about expansion and growth. Now our hard[...]
Is Agile the right approach for my software project?
In this blog post we will explore the Agile approach to software development, contrast it to the more traditional approach and try to summarise the pros and cons of each, so you can make up[...]